Crash Crash Till You Build
Answer to life, the universe and everything
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Project Sparta #1 - tame the yellow elephant
- document installation steps
- set up basic accounts, queues
- set up some authorization scheme
- play around with operational stuff - define, allocate and monitor quotas
athena-nn, athena-jt, athena-s[1-3]
zeus-nn, zeus-jt, zeus-s[1-3]
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Re-enable "remember passwords" on Chrome (Mac)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
mysql client out of memory
Out of memory (Needed 1453192 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory at file
Set this flag in the DB handle -
$rdbh->{'mysql_use_result'} = 1;
It forces the API to use mysql mysql_use_result() instead mysql_store_result().
Basically, instead of buffering all the matches, it returns line by line.
Note that this is the same as --quick option available in the mysql client.
This causes the mysql query thread state to change to "writing to net";
mysql> show processlist\G
State: writing to net
apache jammed with lots of 408s
A 408 status code means that the client did not produce a request quickly enough. A server is set to only wait a certain amount of time for responses from clients, and a 408 status code indicates that time has passed
ReadTimeOut 10 (default is 120 seconds)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
chapter3: system access
- ssh-keygen
- ssh-copy-id
- ssh-agent, ssh-add
sudo access
- format: user/alias machines=(runas) commands
- options: /etc/sysconfig/syslog
- for remote logging, add '-r' i.e. SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -r"
- format: facility.priority location
- facility = kern, mail, user etc
- priority = crit, warn
- location = /var/log/messages, @
- format
- cron.allow supersedes cron.deny
- anacron
- commands: lpadmin, lpq, lp
- conf files: /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/printers.conf
- use system-config-printer to make a default, text only printer
- commands: ntpq -p -n
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Chapter2 - rpm and yum
- yum list [all|installed|available|updates] [regex]
- yum info pkgname
- yum provides filename (lists the rpms that contain that file. 'yum provides filename | grep installed -B3' is more useful)
- yum install pkgname | yum localinstall pkgname.rpm | yum groupinstall group
- yum search
- createrepo -v /dir
- createrepo -v --update /dir
- Creates the following files in /dir/repodata/
- repomd.xml - md5 checksum of other files. client cache is updated when this file changes
- primary.xml.gz - list of all rpms, and files provided by rpms
- filelists.xml.gz - list of all files provided by rpms, used by 'yum provides'
- other.xml.gz - other meta info of packages
- install-upgrade-remove
- rpm -ivh pkg.rpm: installs. -v verbose, -h prints hash progress bar
- rpm -Uvh pkg.rpm: upgrades pkg.rpm if it exists, installs if it doesn't exist
- rpm -Fvh pkg.rpm: upgrades pkg.rpm if it exists, skips if it doesn't exist
- rpm -i --replacepkgs: install same package again
- rpm -i --oldpackage: downgrade package
- rpm -e pkg: removes pkg
- query
- rpm -qa: list all packages
- rpm -ql pkg: list all files of installed pkg
- rpm -qc pkg: list all config files of installed pkg
- rpm -qd pkg: list all doc files of installed pkg
- rpm -qi pkg: pkg info
- rpm -qf filename: name the package that installed this file
- rpm -q --changelog pkg: print changelog
- rpm -q --scripts pkg: print pre and post scripts
- rpm -qa --last: print installation time
- rpm -qap pkg.rpm: list all files of pkg.rpm
- rpm -qcp | -qdp pkg.rpm
- verify
- rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
- rpm -V pkg: verifies package (of any modifications to its files)
- rpm -Va : verify all pkg
- rpm -Vp pkg.rpm
- rpm --checksig pkg.rpm
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chapter1 - Installation and Virtualization
- In the training rooms, they set up a DHCP server, that also hosts a kickstart file
- For practice, I've installed RHEL 5.4 on my desktop using the regular DVD boot
- The kickstart file for this install is stored in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
- A kickstart file contains 3 sections:
- Commands: The response for all questions asked in the installation
- Packages: List of pkgs to be installed
- Scripts: pre and post scripts to be run before and after the installation
Install Xen hypervisor:
$ yum -y install kernel-xen xen virt-manager
Reboot, select the Xen kernel in Grub menu
Start services:
$ service xend start
$ service libvirtd start
Make sure the services start on boot:
$ chkconfig xend on
$ chkconfig libvirtd on
Create LV for VM:
$ lvcreate -L 10G -n vserver sys
$ virt-install --paravirt --ram 1024 --disk vol=/dev/sys/vserver --location /mnt/iso
$ virt-install --paravirt --ram 1024 --disk vol=/dev/sys/vserver --location ftp://ftplocation/image -x ks=kickstart_file
Graphical tool - virt-manager
$ yum - y install virt-manager
Create Yum repository from ISO file
1. Mount the ISO image to /mnt/iso/
$ mkdir /mnt/iso
$ mount -o ro,loop /path/to/rhel-server-5.4-x86_64-dvd.iso /mnt/iso
or add this line to /etc/fstab
/path/to/rhel-server-5.4-x86_64-dvd.iso /mnt/iso iso9660 ro,loop 0 0
$ mount -a
2. Bootstrap - install createrepo
$ cd /mnt/iso/Server (it may be in some other folder)
$ rpm -Uvh createrepo*
3. Trouble with creating a repo of this mounted directory:
$ createrepo /mnt/iso/
Directory /mnt/iso/. must be writable.
4. Solution: Create another directory. Add a symlink to the mounted directories that contains the RPMs. Convert this new directory as the repo
$ mkdir /var/repo
$ ln -s /mnt/iso/Server /var/repo/rpms
$ ln -s /mnt/iso/VT /var/repo/rpms-vt
$ createrepo /var/repo
3040/3040 - rpms/zsh-html-4.2.6-3.el5.x86_64.rpm
Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata
5. Create repo conf file
$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/myrepo.repo
6. Test the new repo
$ yum list installed
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Setting up serial console
[ From: ]
2.5.2 Serial Console (optional)
Serial console access allows you to manage, monitor, and interact with your system over a serial console. This can allow access from another nearby system via a null-modem (``LapLink'') cable or remotely via a serial concentrator.
You system's BIOS, bootloader (GRUB), Xen, Linux, and login access must each be individually configured for serial console access. It is not strictly necessary to have each component fully functional, but it can be quite useful.
For general information on serial console configuration under Linux, refer to the ``Remote Serial Console HOWTO'' at The Linux Documentation Project: Serial Console BIOS configuration
Enabling system serial console output neither enables nor disables serial capabilities in GRUB, Xen, or Linux, but may make remote management of your system more convenient by displaying POST and other boot messages over serial port and allowing remote BIOS configuration.
Refer to your hardware vendor's documentation for capabilities and procedures to enable BIOS serial redirection. Serial Console GRUB configuration
Enabling GRUB serial console output neither enables nor disables Xen or Linux serial capabilities, but may made remote management of your system more convenient by displaying GRUB prompts, menus, and actions over serial port and allowing remote GRUB management.
Adding the following two lines to your GRUB configuration file, typically either /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.conf depending on your distro, will enable GRUB serial output.
serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=10 serial console
Note that when both the serial port and the local monitor and keyboard are enabled, the text ``Press any key to continue'' will appear at both. Pressing a key on one device will cause GRUB to display to that device. The other device will see no output. If no key is pressed before the timeout period expires, the system will boot to the default GRUB boot entry.
Please refer to the GRUB documentation for further information. Serial Console Xen configuration
Enabling Xen serial console output neither enables nor disables Linux kernel output or logging in to Linux over serial port. It does however allow you to monitor and log the Xen boot process via serial console and can be very useful in debugging.
In order to configure Xen serial console output, it is necessary to add a boot option to your GRUB config; e.g. replace the previous example kernel line with:
kernel /boot/xen.gz dom0_mem=131072 com1=115200,8n1
This configures Xen to output on COM1 at 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Modify these parameters for your environment.
One can also configure XenLinux to share the serial console; to achieve this append ``console=ttyS0'' to your module line. Serial Console Linux configuration
Enabling Linux serial console output at boot neither enables nor disables logging in to Linux over serial port. It does however allow you to monitor and log the Linux boot process via serial console and can be very useful in debugging.
To enable Linux output at boot time, add the parameter console=ttyS0 (or ttyS1, ttyS2, etc.) to your kernel GRUB line. Under Xen, this might be:
module /vmlinuz-2.6-xen0 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 \
console=ttyS0, 115200
to enable output over ttyS0 at 115200 baud. Serial Console Login configuration
Logging in to Linux via serial console, under Xen or otherwise, requires specifying a login prompt be started on the serial port. To permit root logins over serial console, the serial port must be added to /etc/securetty.
To automatically start a login prompt over the serial port, add the line:
c:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty ttyS0to /etc/inittab. Run init q to force a reload of your inttab and start getty.
To enable root logins, add ttyS0 to /etc/securetty if not already present.
Your distribution may use an alternate getty; options include getty, mgetty and agetty. Consult your distribution's documentation for further information.